
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sneak Peek

Just a little preview of a new collaboration with the wonderful Sophie of Strat Designs. There will be a limited number of advance pieces available at Friday's BrisStyle Indie Twilight Market- Yay!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yay we're in!.....

YAY, we are soooo excited (and honoured) to be part of the Brisbane Finders Keepers line up again. So put it in you diaries and come say hi on the first weekend in July ;-)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

High Finance

I took this Photo yesterday while finishing off some coasters with Thea's lovely designs...

The irony only just hit me. For those that didn't know me in my previous life, I was Treasury Banker and one of my most hated daily chores was reading the Fin Review (no offence Rupert). So I guess using it as scrap paper is the ultimate revenge, Mwaaahaha.

P.S. The Fin wasn't mine, my dad left it behind, honest!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Exciting news....

I'm super chuffed to announce the Red Revival will be a part of the Melbourne 2011 Life in Style trade event. I am excited that it will be held in the world heritage listed exhibition hall (I'm a history buff). I'm also thrilled to be representing a wholesale range from Strat Designs at this event. Yay!!